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  • Rocketr API Reference
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  • Webhooks
  • API Resources
  • Orders
  • Invoices
  • Supporting Classes
  • Payment Methods
  • Currency
  • Order Status
  • Invoice Status
  • Bill Item
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  • Rocketr API Reference

    This website documents the public API for Rocketr Payments.

    You can view code examples in the dark area to the right; switch the programming language of the examples with the tabs in the top right.


    curl -X GET -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Authorization: <ACCESS_TOKEN>" -H "Application-ID: <Application_ID>"

    Once you register your application with Rocketr, you will be provided the following: Once you register your application with Rocketr, you will be provided the following:

    1. Application ID - this can be shared with the public.
    2. Application Secret - As implied by the name, this should be kept hidden from prying eyes.
    Application-ID: Client ID is required and can be public.
    Application-ID: Client ID is required and can be public.

    To ensure the proper use of our API, we use header based authentication. Authentication is very simple, every API request must contain the "Application-ID" header

    Authorization: This is the Application Secret and is not required for all requests
    Authorization: This is the Application Secret and is not required for all requests

    Some API requests require more secure authentication (for example, retreiving individual orders). For these requests, the "Authorization" header must also be present.


    Introduction to Payments

    There are two main objects that are involved in payments: Invoices and Orders.

    Invoices are like bills. They represent amount owed


    Invoices are entities that contain information about a payment to be paid. They don't contain any information about how a customer can pay, they only specify how much a customer needs to pay, what he needs to pay for and who the customer is.

    Orders tell a customer how they can pay for an invoice


    Orders belong to invoices. An order represents a payment object. For example, if a buyer decides to click purchase now on an invoice, an order is created and the order contains payment information. One of the key features of an order is the payment method. In an invoice, you can specify which payment methods a buyer can potentially pay with. However, an order specifies exactly how a buyer will pay using one of the accepted payment methods (per the invoice).


    The great thing about Rocketr Payments's API is that you can create an order right away---without an invoice. Rocketr will automatically create an invoice for you. This saves time and an extra API call that really isn't needed. And don't worry, when you create the order, you will receive a link to the invoice too.

    How to Request a Payment

    Great. Now that you understand how the difference between invoices and orders, we can learn how to request a payment.

    Rocketr Payments allows you to request payments in many different ways (e.g. POS app, e-mailable invoices, etc). Here, we will cover how to request a payment with an API.

    There are two main ways to request a payment with the API. The main difference between the methods stems from how you want to present the buyer with the invoice.

    Request (Method 1 of requesting a payment)

    $o = new \RocketrPayments\Order();
    $o->setNotes('This is an test note');
    $o->addCustomField('internal_id', '2195342212');
    $result = $o->createOrder();
    echo 'Please send ' . $result['paymentInstructions']['amount']  . $result['paymentInstructions']['currencyText'] . ' to ' . $result['paymentInstructions']['address'];
    curl -X POST
      -H 'application-id: <APPLICATION_ID>' 
      -H 'authorization: <APPLICATION_SECRET>'
      -H 'content-type: application/json'
      -d '{
      "amount": 10,
      "currency": "BTC",
      "buyerEmail": "",
      "paymentMethod": "btc",
      "customFields": {
        "internalCustomerId": "000212021"

    Response (Method 1 of requesting a payment)

        "success": true,
        "paymentInstructions": {
            "amount": 10.00006121,
            "address": "16Esi8BCkmuAzftK3KwSL1g3YrejD4GE13",
            "confirms": 3,
            "currencyText": "BTC",
            "qrImage": "",
            "orderIdentifier": "4a58bdfd9e89"
        "orderIdentifier": "4a58bdfd9e89",
        "invoiceIdentifier": "i_4146ae159854",
        "links": {
            "invoice": ""

    If you want the buyer to stay on your website and display the order on your website:

    If you want the buyer to stay on your website, then you will have to create an order and specify the payment method the buyer will pay with. This is essential. If you don't specify the payment method, then you can't create an order.

    API Request

    As you can see on the right hand column, the request is made to /orders/create and contains important information such as the buyer's e-mail address, amount the buyer needs to pay, currency, and payment method. You can learn more about the /orders/create/ request here

    API Response

    The response includes a paymentInstructions object. This way, you can directly tell your customer how they can pay to complete the invoice. The paymentInstructions object is different depending on the paymentMethod. You can learn more about the paymentInstructions object here


    Request (Method 2 of requesting a payment)

    $i = new \RocketrPayments\Invoice();
    $i->addBillItem(9.99, 'Line Item 1', 10);
    $i->setNotes('This is an test note');
    $i->addCustomField('Please enter your preferred color', '', false, false, 0);
    $i->addCustomField('internal_id', '2195342212', true, true, 0);
    $result = $i->createInvoice();
    echo "Please visit click the following link to pay the invoice: " . $result['links']['invoice'] . "\n";
    curl -X POST
      -H 'application-id: <APPLICATION_ID>' 
      -H 'authorization: <APPLICATION_SECRET>'
      -H 'content-type: application/json'
      -d '{
      "billItems": [{
        "description": "Line Item 1",
        "price": 10,
        "quantity": 10
      "acceptedPaymentMethods": ["paypal", "btc"],
      "shouldCollectAddress": false,
      "notes": "This is a test note",
      "buyerEmail": "",
      "customFields": [
          "name": "Please enter your preferred color",
          "type": 0,
          "required": false
      "browserRedirect": ""

    Response (Method 2 of requesting a payment)

        "success": true,
        "invoice": {
            "identifier": "i_d636893f18e5"
        "links": {
            "invoice": ""
        "redirctUrl": ""

    If you are unsure how the buyer will pay, or don't want to display the payment information on your website:

    Many times, you want to redirect the buyer away from your website to Rocketr and allow Rocketr to handle the payment experience. This is ideal for merchants who don't want to spend too much time developing their own payment flows and UI/UX to go with it.

    Alternately, you might want to allow the buyer to choose the payment method and pay later (in the next couple days as opposed to right away with the method above).

    API Request

    The request is made to /invoices/create and an invoice object is created. You can learn more about the /invoices/create/ request here

    API Response

    The response includes a link to the invoice so you can easily redirect the buyer to the payment page.


    Webhooks are used to notify your application when there has been a change made to an order. For example, in an online video game scenario, you can use webhooks to upgrade a buyer's account once the payment has been successfully completed. At the same time, you can also use the webhooks to demote a player's account if the buyer disputed the payment. Webhooks are sent as an HTTP POST request to the url you set. You can choose a different webhook url for different orders.


    Remember you must set your IPN Secret in your account settings to ensure the authenticity of webhooks.

    To verify the integrity of the payload, we will send an HMAC signature over a HTTP header called IPN_HASH. The HMAC signature will be a signed json encoded POST object with your IPN secret (this setting can be changed in your account settings). You can see how to verify the signature here.


    Example Payload (sent through a POST request)

      "order_id": "000000000000",
      "buyer_email": "",
      "buyer_ip": "",
      "payment_method": "4",
      "invoice_amount": "2.99",
      "invoice_amount_usd": "2.99",
      "quantity": "1",
      "purchased_at": "1519935649",
      "txn_id": "ch_9P0oaVIUMVPe9wq9993Gc1sk",
      "status": "4",
      "custom_fields": "{\"game_username\":\"saad\"}",
      "invoice_id": "000000"

    The payload is the a JSON Object that is sent with the webhook. It contains the following items:

    Atrribute Description
    order_id This is a unique string of 12 characters that identifies each order.
    buyer_email The email address of the buyer. (If the buyer email is not collected, this is the merchant's email address)
    buyer_ip The IP Address of the buyer (note this can be in IPv4 or IPv6 format).
    payment_method This is a number that represents the payment method used for the purchase. Please see Payment Methods for details.
    invoice_amount_usd This is a decimal value of the amount the buyer was invoiced.
    purchased_at Unix Timestamp of when the order was created.
    txn_id This is a string that represents a transaction id for the payment method used to purchase the product. For example, this can refer to payapl's transaction id, btc/eth's blockchain ID, or perfect money id
    status This is an integer value that refers to the order status. Please see Order Status for details.
    custom_fields This is a JSON Object that contains all the custom fields that may have been associated with the order.
    invoice_id This is a unique string of 12 characters that identifies the invoice this order is associated with.

    API Resources


    The Order Object

    Attribute Type Description
    identifier String This is an identifier for the order.
    buyerEmail String This is the email of the buyer. If the send_buyer_emails flag is set true on order creation, the buyer will receive an email about the order to this email address
    buyerIp String The IP Address associated with the order.
    paymentMethod PaymentMethod The Payment Method associated with this order. Please see the PaymentMethod specifications for details.
    amount decimal The amount of the order. The amount is in the currency of the order.
    notes String Any notes about the order.
    customFields JSON Object Any Custom Fields associated with the order.
    status int The status of the order. Please see the Status specifications for details.
    purchased_at timestamp The timestamp when the order was created.
    countryCode String The country code of the IP used to create the order.
    currency int The currency of the order. Please see the Currency specifications for details.
    ipnUrl String The URL where webhooks will be sent at for this order. Please see the Webhook Guide for details.
    shippingAddress JSON Object The shipping address associated with the order

    POST /orders/create

    This will create an invoice and order and return the payment details. The response is different depending on the type of payment method.

    Accepted POST Paramters


    $o = new \RocketrPayments\Order();
    $o->setNotes('This is an test note');
    $o->addCustomField('internal_id', '2195342212');
    $result = $o->createOrder();
    echo 'Please send ' . $result['paymentInstruction']['amount']  . $result['paymentInstruction']['currencyText'] . ' to ' . $result['paymentInstruction']['address'];
    curl -X POST
      -H 'application-id: <APPLICATION_ID>' 
      -H 'authorization: <APPLICATION_SECRET>'
      -H 'content-type: application/json'
      -d '{
      "amount": 10,
      "currency": "BTC",
      "buyerEmail": "",
      "paymentMethod": "btc",
      "customFields": {
        "internalCustomerId": "000212021"
    Attribute Type Description Required
    paymentMethod String The Payment Method associated with this order. Please see the PaymentMethod specifications for details. Yes
    amount decimal The amount of the order. The amount is in the currency of the order. Yes
    currency String The currency of the order. Please see the Currency specifications for details. No, default: Merchant base currency.
    billItems JSON Array This is for the invoice that will be created. Please see the BillItems specifications for details. No, default: {}
    buyerEmail String This is the email of the buyer. If the send_buyer_emails flag is set true on order creation, the buyer will receive an email about the order to this email address No, default: Merchant email
    notes String Any notes about the order. No, default: ''
    ipnUrl String The URL where webhooks will be sent at for this order No, default: ''
    customFields JSON Object Any Custom Fields associated with the order. false, default: {}
    buyerIp String The IP Address associated with the order. No, default: IP of the requesting server
    shippingAddress JSON Object The shipping address associated with the order No, default: {}
    shouldSendInvoiceEmail boolean If this is enabled, the buyerEmail will be sent an email on order creation and when the order is complete No, default: false

    Response For CryptoCurrency Orders (HTTP Code: 201)

        "success": true,
        "paymentInstructions": {
            "amount": 10.00006121,
            "address": "16Esi8BCkmuAzftK3KwSL1g3YrejD4GE13",
            "confirms": 3,
            "currencyText": "BTC",
            "qrImage": "",
            "orderIdentifier": "4a58bdfd9e89"
        "orderIdentifier": "4a58bdfd9e89",
        "invoiceIdentifier": "i_4146ae159854",
        "links": {
            "invoice": ""

    Alternative Response For Paypal Orders (HTTP Code: 201)

        "success": true,
        "paymentInstructions": {
            "urlToRedirect": "",
            "orderIdentifier": "b6b04d0954c5"
        "orderIdentifier": "b6b04d0954c5",
        "invoiceIdentifier": "i_0db6c9f1a318",
        "links": {
            "invoice": ""


    Please note that the response is slightly different depending on the payment method. For cryptocurrency orders, the paymentInstructions object includes the amount of coins, the address to send to and more. For paypal orders, the paymentInstructions object contains a urlToRedirect key where the buyer needs to be redirected to.

    GET /orders/list

    This endpoint is used to retreive a list of all orders. Responses will vary depending on the payment method used.


    curl -X GET
      -H 'application-id: <APPLICATION_ID>' 
      -H 'authorization: <APPLICATION_SECRET>'
      -H 'content-type: application/json'

    Accepted GET Paramters

    Attribute Type Description Required
    page int The page of orders No, default: 1
    perPage int The number of orders to include per query. Must be between 1 and 100. No, default: 20
    search string You can search the buyer email or the order identifier No, default: ''
    sortBy string You can sort the results by: order identifier, amount, payment_method, status, or purchased_at No, default: order identifier
    sortMethod string You can sort asc (ascending) or desc (descending) No, default: 'asc'
    includeTimedOut boolean Whether or not to include timed out/unpaid orders No, default: false

    Response (HTTP Code: 200)

        "page": 1,
        "perPage": 20,
        "nextPage": 2,
        "totalCount": 50,
        "data": [
                "orderIdentifier": "89f424830f72",
                "invoiceIdentifier": "i_e3ae1c5927aa",
                "buyerEmail": "",
                "buyerIp": "",
                "paymentMethod": "6",
                "amount": "52.95",
                "status": "0",
                "purchasedAt": "2017-12-18 16:43:39",
                "countryCode": "US",
                "referer": "",
                "notes": "",
                "currency": "1",
                "customFields": "[]"

    GET /orders/:id/details

    This endpoint is used to retreive specific information about an order. The order identifier must be sent through the request url.


    curl -X GET
      -H 'application-id: <APPLICATION_ID>' 
      -H 'authorization: <APPLICATION_SECRET>'
      -H 'content-type: application/json'

    Response (HTTP Code: 200)

        "orderIdentifier": "89f424830f72",
        "purchasedAt": "2017-12-18 16:43:39",
        "status": 0,
        "orderPrice": 52.95,
        "orderCurrency": "USD",
        "paymentMethod": "BCH",
        "buyerEmail": "",
        "buyerIp": "",
        "buyerCountry": "US",
        "referer": "",
        "notes": "",
        "custom_fields": [],
        "paymentDetails": {
            "payment_method": "BCH",
            "txnId": "",
            "addressToSendTo": "1HTviuE3XBnydGsJ2K6Hbv2usCm91tixjN",
            "amountToReceive": 0.02293797,
            "amountDidReceive": 0,
            "confirmations": 0,
            "status": "",
            "lastUpdated": "Moments ago",
            "forwardId": ""
        "invoiceIdentifier": "i_e3ae1c5927aa"


    Invoices represent amount owed and contain important information such as how a buyer can pay the invoice. Unlike orders, invoices don't tell a buyer exactly how to pay for an invoice---that's the job of an order.

    The Invoice Object

    Attribute Type Description
    invoiceIdentifier String This is an identifier for the invoice
    buyerEmail String This is the email of the buyer. If the send_buyer_emails flag is set true on order creation, the buyer will receive an email about the order to this email address
    status int The status of the invoice. Please see the Invoice Status specifications for details.
    amount decimal The amount of the invoice. The amount is in the currency of the invoice.
    currency int The currency of the invoice. Please see the Currency specifications for details.
    acceptedPaymentMethods JSON Array An array list of accepted payment methods. Please see the Payment Method specifications for details.
    billItems JSON Array Please see the BillItems specifications for details.
    shouldCollectAddress String Whether or not an address should be asked when the buyer pays
    customFields JSON Array An array of Custom Fields that the buyer needs to fill out when completing the order. Please note that you can pass through your own custom fields by setting the passthrough fields to true and providing a default value for a custom field object.
    notes String Any notes about the invoice.
    ipnUrl String The URL where webhooks will be sent for this invoice (e.g. when an order is created etc)
    createdAt timestamp The timestamp when the invoice was created.

    POST /invoices/create

    This will create an invoice and respond with the invoice identifier and a link to the checkout page.

    Accepted POST Paramters


    $i = new \RocketrPayments\Invoice();
    $i->addBillItem(9.99, 'Line Item 1', 10);
    $i->setNotes('This is an test note');
    $i->addCustomField('Please enter your preferred color', '', false, false, 0);
    $i->addCustomField('internal_id', '2195342212', true, true, 0);
    $result = $i->createInvoice();
    echo "Please visit click the following link to pay the invoice: " . $result['links']['invoice'] . "\n";
    curl -X POST
      -H 'application-id: <APPLICATION_ID>' 
      -H 'authorization: <APPLICATION_SECRET>'
      -H 'content-type: application/json'
      -d '{
      "billItems": [{
        "description": "Line Item 1",
        "price": 10,
        "quantity": 10
      "acceptedPaymentMethods": ["paypal", "bcc"],
      "shouldCollectAddress": false,
      "notes": "This is a test note",
      "buyerEmail": "",
      "customFields": [
          "name": "Please enter your preferred color",
          "type": 0,
          "required": false
          "name": "internal_id",
          "type": 0,
          "required": false,
          "default": "Example internal id that is passthrough only, will not be shown to buyer on checkout",
          "passthrough": true
      "browserRedirect": ""
    Attribute Type Description Required
    buyerEmail String This is the email of the buyer. Yes
    currency String The currency of the invoice. Please see the Currency specifications for details. No, default: Merchant base currency.
    acceptedPaymentMethods JSON Array An array list of accepted payment methods. Please see the Payment Method specifications for details. No, default: all payment methods
    billItems JSON Array Please see the BillItems specifications for details. Not if amount is passed. If amount is passed a default line item will be made with one item of amount. However, either amount or billItems must be passed.
    amount decimal The amount of the invoice. The amount is in the currency of the invoice. Not if billItems is passed. If amount is passed a default line item will be made with one item of amount. However, either amount or billItems must be passed.
    shouldCollectAddress String Whether or not an address should be asked when the buyer pays No, default: false
    customFields JSON Array An array of Custom Fields that the buyer needs to fill out when completing the invoice. Please note that you can pass through your own custom fields by setting the passthrough fields to true and providing a default value for a custom field object. No, default: {}
    notes String Any notes about the invoice. No, default: ''
    ipnUrl String The URL where webhooks will be sent for this invoice (e.g. when an invoice is created etc) No, default: ''
    browserRedirect String The URL to redirect the buyer to after the purchase is complete No, default: ''
    shouldSendInvoiceEmail boolean If this is enabled, the buyerEmail will be sent an email on invoice creation and when the invoice is complete No, default: false

    Response (HTTP Code: 201)

        "success": true,
        "invoice": {
            "identifier": "i_22f095ec7152"
        "links": {
            "invoice": ""
        "redirctUrl": ""


    The response contains the invoice id and the link to the checkout page.

    GET /invoices/list

    This endpoint is used to retreive a list of all invoices. Responses will vary depending on the payment method used.

    Accepted GET Paramters

    Attribute Type Description Required
    page int The page of orders No, default: 1
    perPage int The number of orders to include per query. Must be between 1 and 100. No, default: 20
    search string You can search the buyer email or the invoice identifier No, default: ''
    sortBy string You can sort the results by: invoice identifier, amount, status, or createdAt No, default: invoice identifier
    sortMethod string You can sort asc (ascending) or desc (descending) No, default: 'asc'

    Supporting Classes

    Support classes are not API resources. However, they are objects that are necessary in core resources. For example, when creating an order, you need to specify the payment method. The payment method documentation below will tell you the different payment methods available and how to specify them in API calls.

    Payment Methods

    Name String Representation Integer Representation
    Bitcoin btc 1
    Ethereum eth 2
    Perfect Money pm 3
    Stripe stripe 4
    Paypal paypal 5
    Bitcoin Cash bch 6
    Litecoin ltc 7


    These are the currencies you can request payment in. Please note that if you use a cryptocurrency as the currency, the order amount will be in the cryptocurrency (e.g. Posting /order/create with BTC as the currency and 100 as the amount will ask the buyer to send 100 BTC!)

    Name Short Representation Integer Representation
    US Dollar USD 1
    Euro EUR 2
    Pound GBP 3
    Canadian Dollar CAD 4
    Australian Dollar AUD 5
    Japanese Yen JPY 6
    Chinese Yuan CNY 7
    Bitcoin BTC 100
    Bitcoin Cash BCH 101
    Ethereum ETH 102
    Litecoin LTC 103

    Order Status

    Int Rep. Title Description
    -1 UNPAID This means the order was not paid
    0 NEW_ORDER This is a new order that has been recently created. The buyer has not initiated payment yet.
    1 WAITING_FOR_PAYMENT The payment has been initiated by the buyer but not confirmed (e.g. 0 confirmations for cryptocurrency payment methods)
    2 PARTIAL_PAYMENT_RECEIVED The buyer did not send the full amount.
    3 FULL_PAYMENT_RECEIVED The payment is complete and the order will be complete soon. (This is a transitionary state, if an order is stuck here, it means there was an error forwarding the payment to the seller)
    4 PAYMENT_COMPLETE The payment has been complete.
    5 REFUNDED The money has been refunded.
    6 UNKNOWN_ERROR Please contact us at
    8 PAYPAL_PENDING Paypal is verifying the order.
    9 PAYPAL_OTHER An unknown paypal status, please see the order for more details.
    10 PAYPAL_REVERSED The buyer reversed the payment.
    11 PAYPAL_VOIDED The payment was voided by either the buyer or Paypal (security check).
    20 STRIPE_AUTO_REFUND The payment was automatically refunded due to high risk.
    21 STRIPE_DECLINED The payment was declined by stripe
    22 STRIPE_DISPUTED The payment is under dispute

    Invoice Status

    Int Rep. Title
    0 DRAFT
    1 SENT
    100 PAID

    Bill Item

    A Bill Item is a json object containing the following attributes:

    Attribute Type
    description string
    price float
    quantity int


    $i = new \RocketrPayments\Invoice();
    $i->addBillItem(9.99, 'Line Item 1', 10);
        "description": "Line Item 1",
        "price": 9.99,
        "quantity": 10

    Developer Support


    Here are possible error codes our API might send back:

    401 Unauthorized

        "error": "You are unauthorized to access this resource.",
        "path": "/orders/create"

    429 Rate Limit Exceeded

        "error": "Rate limit exceeded",
    HTTP Code Meaning
    401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is incorrect or your API key does not have access to a particular scope
    404 Not Found -- The specified resource could not be found.
    429 Too Many Requests -- Learn more about rate limiting here
    500 Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later
    503 Service Unavailable (Time out) -- The server is overloaded or under maintenance

    API Libraries

    We are still working on adding libraries for various programming languages. For now, the only language we have is PHP


    The PHP library can be found on github here:


    The easiest way to use the library is through Composer:

    composer require rocketr/rocketr-payments-php

    Then in your code, load the Autoloader: require_once('vendor/autoload.php');

    Manual Installation

    To manually use the library, download the latest release and include the init.php file in your code:



    There are some easter eggs hidden throughout. Here's a hint:

    No authentication required of course. As long as you can cross 9 3/4, that is.

    GET /misc/quotes

    This endpoint will return a random quote from a certain set of books. Can you guess which?


    Good Luck!

    We ❤️ developers and would love to help you in any way we can. Feel free to email us with any questions, suggestions, concerns or cupcakes.